HINGHAM — It was a prom with a promanade of well-dressed members of the Hingham High School Class of 2021 taken at Hingham Harbor before they headed off to the Granite Links Country Club for the prom events on June 8, 2021. The event was organized by a parents group after so many annual events and celebrations were cancelled because of the Covid-19 restrictions. For more on the back story, see this story in the…

by billbrettboston

QUINCY — As part of a hybrid event that raised more than $500,000 the Cardinal Cushing Centers hosted guests at the Neighborhood Clubhouse in Quincy, where they honored CPA Dolly Di Pesa, who received the Franciscan Leadership Award, and Jean and Fred Raymond, who were given the Richard Cardinal Cushing Award. Jim Fagan served as they night’s emcee. All photos by Bill Brett

by billbrettboston

Scores of people made their way through Beacon Hill on an annual stroll that took on new meaning in 2021 now that the street and its shops and restaurants can reopen fully for business. Organizer Mark Duffield noted that the glorious weather helped those gathered to celebrate Beacon Hill, a city neighborhood that measures just a mile square. Joining Bill Brett was event emcee radio host Jordan Rich and Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu, a…

by billbrettboston

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