BOSTON — My daughter Kerry Brett is the featured guest on Candy O’Terry’s podcast “The Story Behind Her Success.” You can listen to it here. From Candy: Do you like having your picture taken? If the answer is no, you are not alone. Enter award-winning portrait photographer Kerry Brett. When she takes your picture, her goal is simple: to make you feel so comfortable, you forget that there is a camera in your face! The…

by billbrettboston

BOSTON — It’s safe to say that Bill Brett has met tens of thousands of people in the last decade and a half that he has published six books. Among the many remarkable people met in that time, a few stand out. One is Kai Leigh Harriott, who was just 3 years old when she was struck by a stray bullet in 2003 as she played on the porch of her Dorchester home. The bullet…

by billbrettboston

SOUTH BOSTON — Some 600 swimsuit wearing souls took the annual Polar Plunge into the water off of M Street Beach in South Boston for the annual L Street Brownies New Year’s Day polar swim. It is one country’s oldest such charity plunges going on for more than 116 years. With air temperatures topping 50 degrees, the plungers faced a significantly different challenge than last year when the air temperature was just 1 degree above…

by billbrettboston

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