Raising a Reader raises $250,000 to supply books to young people

BOSTON — 350 guests attended the Raising a Reader’s “Dinner with an Author” event, which raised $250,000 to provide books for young readers. The event was held at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in the Back Bay.

The authors who attended included Ace Atkins, Kimberly Aulenback and Dawn Trigas, Ben Bradlee, Jr., Ruemon Bhattacharyya, Jack Bishop, Christopher Castellani, Robert Cocuzzo, Ron Della Chiesa, Emily Franklin, Erin Gates, Joani Geltman, Stan Grossfeld, Steve Gullans, Deborah Kolb, William Landry, Marianne Leone, Jen Malone, William Martin, Claire Messud, Randy Susan Meyers, Ben Mezrich and Tonya Mezrich, Maura O’Leary, Michael Ponsor, Hank Phillippi Ryan, Jessica Shattuck, Ian Thomsen, Dan Shaughnessy, Katherine Sherbrooke, Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge, and our own Bill Brett.

The event was emceed by WBZ TV’s David Wade.

All photos by Bill Brett

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