Bill Brett took this portrait of Kip Tiernan about 15 years ago and it was part of his fifth book, “Boston: Irish.” BACK BAY — The three arches on Dartmouth Street near Boylston Street mark the extraordinary life of Kip Tiernan, founder of Rosie’s Place and champion of those who others often overlooked, who died of cancer on July 2, 2011 at the age of 85. Dozens of people turned out on Saturday, Oct. 6,…

by billbrettboston

Friday, October 3, 8:30 AM, Boston, MA – The Consulate General of Ireland in Boston hosted the Gaelic Players Association (GPA) as they announced that the 3rd annual GPA Super 11’s at Fenway Park would take place this November. The breakfast event was also an opportunity for the new CEO of the GPA, Paul Flynn, to meet with members of the Irish diaspora and supporters of the Gaelic Games in Boston. Speaking at the event…

by billbrettboston

DORCHESTER — En route to a radio show interview at Country 102.5 FM on Morrissey Boulevard, singer Charlie Marie stopped by the Greenhills Bakery in Adams Village. The singer, who was traveling up from a concert in Providence, R.I., performed with guitarist Brian McKinnon. Marie and McKinnon call Nashville home, but are currently out on tour. For more, check out Marie’s website here. Photos by Bill Brett

by billbrettboston

DORCHESTER — More than 300 guests attended Boston Police Department’s Area C-11’s moving ceremony on Saturday to remember and honor those from the station who have died. Those remembered today are Officer Walter E. Harris, Sgt. Diana Green, Officer Thomas Pokaski, Sgt. Joseph Griffin, Officer Bernard Kelly, School Traffic Supervisor Marie Conley, and Auto Room Clerk Mary Brett McCarthy. Among those on hand for the ceremony were Mayor Marty Walsh, Police Commissioner Willie Gross, Father…

by billbrettboston

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