HINGHAM — More than 100 people turned out in front of Hingham Town Hall on July 28, 2020 to show their support for the “thin blue line” flag that has been flying on the Higham fire truck since 2018. Police Chief Glenn Olsson and Fire Chief Steve Murphy wrote to their departments’ personnel that officials recently received a citizen complaint, prompting the two executives to make the decision to remove the flags, which they say…

by billbrettboston

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON DEC. 28, 2017: COPLEY SQUARE — Channeling his friend and mentor, the late New York Times fashion photographer Bill Cunningham, Bill Brett took to the streets on Dec. 28, 2017 to capture some of the ways that people were dressing to deal with the extreme cold. With a high of just 12 degrees, Thursday saw the lowest high temperature in 140 years of record keeping, shattering the previous mark by six degrees.…

by billbrettboston

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON JULY 19, 2019 SOUTH BOSTON — Nary a space of hot sand was to be found along the M Street Beach in South Boston on Sunday, which hit the mark for the highest low temperatures of the year. Bill Brett took this shot at the height of the mid-day heat in the city. That scorcher came just a day after Boston and the region sweltered through the highest temperatures of the year…

by billbrettboston

SOUTH BOSTON — The now shuttered St. Vincent de Paul Church in South Boston could soon be put up for sale, sources say. The building is located at 363 E Street at the intersection of W. Third Street in South Boston. In 2018, neighbors worked to keep the building from being sold to a developer interested in making it housing. The Roman Catholic Church was an important location for Boston’s Irish community, serving recent immigrants…

by billbrettboston

BRAINTREE, (June 20, 2020) — More than 1,000 people gathered outside Braintree town hall tonight for a vigil held to honor the life of Laurie Melchionda, who was fatally shot outside her Braintree home last week. Police say that she was shot by a former neighbor who dressed up as a package deliveryman. Ms. Melchionda, 59, worked as a school nurse in Weston and had more than 30 years’ experience in the field. Among those…

by billbrettboston

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