SOUTH BOSTON — 2,500 guests attended the 244th birthday of the US Marine Corps at a special lunch held by the Semper Fidelis Society Boston at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Among those on hand to help in the celebration were US Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer, Admiral Mike Gilday, chief of naval operations, and General David H. Berger, the 38th commandant of the US Marine Corps. The luncheon also included a…

by billbrettboston

Re-posting this in recognition of Veterans Day. This holiday is important to us at because of those who served and ensured our rights to publish and so many other freedoms. (Originally posted on September 16, 2019) SOUTH BOSTON — Retired US Marine Corps General John F. Kelly gave the keynote address at Sunday’s rededication ceremony for the Vietnam War memorial in South Boston that honors the lives of the 25 troops who lost their…

by billbrettboston

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