SOUTH BOSTON — The St. Patrick’s Day breakfast, an annual staple for the city’s political leaders, had a new host (state Senator Nick Collins), a new location (the Raymond L. Flynn Black Falcon Cruise Terminal), and many of the same reworked jokes. Or, just new versions of the old yarns. The breakfast featured Collins, Governor Charlie Baker, Mayor Marty Walsh, Senator Ed Markey, Congressman Steve Lynch, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, members of the Boston City Council,…

by billbrettboston

DORCHESTER — More than 200 guests packed the parish hall in the basement of St. Margaret’s Church to support the Mary Ann Brett Food Pantry, which helps thousands of people make ends meet each year. Last year’s breakfast raised more than $100,000 in donations for the Food Pantry, which is located in the basement of this church, part of St. Teresa of Calcutta’s Parish, right next to where the event is held each year on…

by billbrettboston

BOSTON — A crowd of more than 100 Bostonians who were not on spring break felt like they were when attending a party hosted by the Bermuda Tourism Authority on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at Shore Leave in Boston. A floral step and repeat and make-your-own-tropical-bouquet floral bar were highlights. The theme of the party was “Bermuda: Always in Season,” and this was reflected by cuisine and cocktails embracing each season on the island. A…

by billbrettboston

YARMOUTH — Thousands lined the route of the 14th annual Cape Cod St. Patrick’s Parade, which was held on Saturday, March 9, as K9 Nero walked alongside Grand Marshal Peter McClelland, retired Yarmouth Police K9 officer. This year’s parade was held in honor of slain Yarmouth Police Officer Sgt. Sean McNamee Gannon and his K9 partner Nero, who together marched in last year’s parade. Sgt. Gannon, 32, was fatally shot while serving an arrest warrant…

by billbrettboston

PHOTO BY BILL BRETT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BOSTON — As his own way of marking International Women’s Day, Bill Brett is giving this sneak peek of the cover of his sixth book, “Boston: Game Changers,” which will in stores later this spring. The cover, shown above, features the then-six women on Boston City Council. The portrait was photographed on the sidewalk in front of the Four Seasons Hotel, just across Boylston Street from the location…

by billbrettboston

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